MQFF Interrupted is the festival's largest ever offering, with 17 features and 40 shorts for Australian viewers to watch and take in some of the best LGBTQIA+ content from local and international creatives.
For those in Melbourne, the festival will hold a special screening of 'Happiest Season' at Coburg's Village Drive-In. The film features Kristen Stewart and Mackenzie Davis. This premiere will mark the first in-person event since MQFF's initial cancellation in March, due to COVID.
"Our online offering not only allows our audiences in Melbourne to experience some of the best queer content, it has also made us accessible to audiences who usually were not able to join us in cinema, such as those located in regional and rural areas of Victoria, or those outside of the state," MQFF CEO Maxwell Gratton says.

MQFF will also closed caption many of its features and shorts, making it accessible to all.
Viewers will be able to treat themselves to film features such as 'And Then We Danced', 'Ellie & Abbie (& Ellie's Dead Aunt)', 'Lingua Franca', 'Bit' and 'End Of The Century'.
Meanwhile, shorts packages will be screened during MQFF Interrupted including Documentary Shorts, Hooking Up, Laws Of Desire, Transformations, Animation Shorts and Asia-Pacific Shorts.
Tickets go on sale 6 November.