Cry Club Are Releasing Their Debut Album In November

Noisy pop duo Cry Club will drop their debut album 'God I'm Such A Mess', this November.

Cry Club - Image © Giulia McGauran

To celebrate the upcoming drop, they've shared a new single and video – 'Nine Of Swords' – about overcoming your personal anxieties and moving past coping mechanisms of your creation.

"I have a habit of running from the bad things happening in my life, ignoring them or blaming them on mercury retrograde," Cry Club vocalist Heather Riley says.

The music video has been shot during lockdown, challenging the pair to get a little more outside-the-box than usual and return to their DIY roots. It was directed by Jack Alexander.

"This entire single release has been a test of our creativity in lockdown," Heather continues. "When it became clear we probably wouldn’t have access to a studio because of lockdown, we worked with our director, Jack, to come up with a super DIY concept which we could shoot on an iPhone, and put it together with a little help from Spotlight and our housemates."

'God I'm Such A Mess' reflects on Cry Club's journey and is a collection of the songs which built the band's career.

It's out on 13 November.