Beccy Cole Is A Lioness In Her All-Female Produced New Album

Beccy Cole is pushing boundaries with her new album 'Lioness', a work completely produced by females and featuring 100 per cent female musicians.

Beccy Cole

'Lioness', out now, is a collection of self-penned songs reflecting on life beyond 40 with a new sound and a new band. She releases this new work in the same year she married her long-time partner, jazz and cabaret performer Libby O'Donovan.

Here, Beccy shares some insight into the creation of the record and how she's using queer-specific lyrics in her music for the first time ever.

How did the album initially begin taking shape?
The direction of the album was sorted before the writing of the songs. I knew who I wanted to make the record with and that I wanted an organic process. It was great to have this in mind when writing the songs.

Did you have a predefined path for how you wanted the album to turn out?
I wanted it to sound great! I wanted there to be fat and close harmonies, lots of humour and real stories.

What did you want to achieve through the release of 'Lioness'?
I like listening to songs that move me, that give me hope and make me smile. I want this collection to evoke these feelings in the listener.

What do you feel is the significance of making a 100 per cent female-produced album?
Women supporting women. It’s so important to set many examples, sport and the arts do it best. We can achieve so much by allowing each other to shine. I felt at ease and in a very happy place making this record, a first for me.

What does this achievement mean to you?
Satisfaction that I have given eight women an opportunity to show their talents to a wider audience. Sexism is still alive and well, a project like this gives hope.

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What was it like working with Julz Parker of Hussy Hicks? What sort of contributions did she offer?
Julz is a genius. Her performance on this record as both a player and producer is phenomenal. She is also clever, kind and very funny. She took my songs and gave them a heartbeat. She works best on trust, just let her do her magic.

How does 'Lioness' compare to your previous releases?
I think it’s more organic, I believe the listener experiences the fun had whilst making the record... And I think it’s the most honest and ‘real’ I’ve ever been lyrically.

Through the release of 12 studio albums, how do you feel your sound has progressed through the years?
Sonically, many things have changed in my 20 odd years of making albums, there is a combination of moving with the times and keeping hold of great traditions. I have let go the need to be precise at the expense of a wonderful vibe – such an important lesson.

How does your role within the LGBTI+ community influence your music, this album in particular?
This is probably the first time I’ve been queer-specific in my lyrics. I didn’t plan it that way but there were a few subjects that I felt passionate about. ‘My God,’ in particular, is about our community’s struggle throughout the postal vote/plebiscite. ‘Our Souls’ is about hypocritical ‘Christians’ and ‘My Wife’s Got Balls’ is, well...about my wife!

Has the extent at which this identity influences your music changed over the recent years?
Yes, I suppose it has. When our country said yes to same-sex marriage, I felt a sense of worthiness that I can’t explain. As a songwriter, the importance of identity is going to come through every so often. The film clip to the first single contains the first same-sex couple in a principal role in a country film clip, I’m pretty proud of that. Nobody should ever feel as though they have to hide. I don’t anymore.

'Lioness' is out now.