Alex The Astronaut's Coming Out Jam 'Not Worth Hiding'

Australian Indie pop artist Alex The Astronaut has released ‘Not Worth Hiding’ from her upcoming EP ‘See You Soon’ and it has a touching message.

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The song is an honest guitar-driven three minutes where Alex confesses “I cried when I found kissing boys wasn’t for me” and continues with the lyric “it’s not worth hiding if you think you might be gay”.

On top of it being extremely poignant and relevant to the current climate in Australia, Alex has said that it’s “for 16-year-old Alex and for anyone who’s struggling to let you know that you’re absolutely perfect just the way you are”.

She stopped by triple j to perform the song.

“It’s all about working out kind of how you fit into the world,” she told Ben and Liam at the studio. “It’s really hard especially for kids in school to be themselves in all different ways because you’re trying to hard to fit in.”

Check out the track below.

The 'See You Soon' EP is out 6 October.