5 Things Hallie Wish They Knew When Their Music Career First Started

Singer, songwriter and producer Hallie shares off-kilter indie-rock anthems inspired by their life and experiences as they explore the fluidity of their emotions, identity, sexuality and gender.


Hallie's excitable charisma, clever lyricism and instinctive, infectious melodies make for unapologetic pop charm.

Their first release of 2022 is 'Do It'. "It's been a week since 'Do It' was released and I can't thank you all enough for the love!

"'Do It' is about my experience with dating again after coming out of a heteronormative relationship as a pansexual person.

"I was exploring my sexuality for the first time in a while and was dealing with feelings of imposter syndrome and just general nerves because telling people you like them can be REALLY scary!

"Writing this song brought me comfort and self compassion and helped me put myself out there. This one goes out to the pan/ bi/ fluid queers."

Ahead of showcasing at BIGSOUND, here Hallie lists five lessons they wished they'd known at the start of their career.

1: There is no right way to be creative. When I first started out I would ask questions like, 'is this the right way to go about my career? The right way to play this part? Or is this the right thing to say on my socials?' But there is no right thing to do, except for what is authentic to you. It should feel different from other artists and be unique and personable.

2: You have to like the music first, before your fans, your team or any outside voices. This is still something I struggle with, but my music is always at its best when I write purely for myself and they are songs that I am in love with. I had to learn to trust that listeners will match your vibrations and the only way they can is if you write for yourself first.

3: Taking breaks and having other hobbies is important. You cannot find inspiration from your life if you're not living it! You need and deserve breaks. Whether it's giving yourself social time, playing sport, watching TV, cooking; having that time to breathe and turn my mind off, especially in a career where I could potentially be working at any hour of the day, has been so valuable and made me more excited and refreshed when writing.

4: YOU are the CEO. This one is especially for the young AFABS. You are the boss, at the end of the day you get to call the shots! Your team are working with you because your art is amazing and worthy. When I started treating my career this way, it made me feel so much more in control of my art and my journey.

5: One 'bad' song doesn't mean you're a bad songwriter, it means there's a better one to come. This is an age old rule – write ten songs and then you'll write one that you really connect with. It's so easy to get in your head that you've lost your touch or that those old songs you wrote were just a fluke, but your songs that you really love wouldn't feel so connected if you didn't have the other ones. They are just as important in your writing journey.

BIGSOUND (Brisbane) takes place 6-9 September. Hallie showcases at The Loft 6 September at 10.30pm.

Hallie 2022 Tour Dates

Sat 10 Sep - The Retreat Hotel (Melbourne)
Sat 1 Oct - Caloundra Music Festival (Sunshine Coast)
Sun 2 Oct - Black Bear Lodge (Brisbane)
Fri 14 Oct - UNSW Roundhouse (Sydney)
Sat 15 Oct - The Drop Festival (Sydney)
Sun 16 Oct - North Gong Hotel (Wollongong)
Sat 22 Oct - The Drop Festival (Coffs Harbour)
Sun 23 Oct - Cambridge Hotel (Newcastle)

This story originally appeared on our sister site, scenestr.