It's bigger, bolder and more diverse in representation, jam-packed with over 100 events culminating with the parade at the beginning of March.
The theme for 2019 is FEARLESS. An acknowledgement of LGBTQI people across the globe living courageously and feeling free to express who they are. It's also a call to action for the future.
Programme highlights include the circus cabaret 'Club Briefs', Paul Mac in 'The Rise And Fall Of St George', the inaugural 'Bent Burlesque' featuring the stars of Vienna Burlesque Festival, the world premiere of Shaun Parker's 'King', 'The Butch Monologues' (direct from the UK) and 'Cake Daddy'.

Image © Jeffrey Feng
Queer Art After Hours, Luna Park Family Fun Day, Koori Gras and Sissy Ball all return in 2019 too, alongside exciting new events like the Strictly Kaftan Party and the Requiem Mass: A Queer Divine Rite.
'Queer Thinking' and 'My Trans Story - The Next Generation' at Carriageworks will allow audiences to meet activists, advocates, academics and role models. There will also be a focus on visual arts at 'Queer Contemporary'.
Click here for the full programme of events during Mardi Gras.