In Rainbow Vaccination Week (18-24 October), JOY Media, Switchboard, Thorne Harbour Health, Drummond Street Services, Vincent Care, Your Community Health, Transgender Victoria and Niche are all uniting to protect the community.
There’s a pop-up clinic running at the Victorian Pride Centre, designed to be an LGBTQIA+-friendly, safe space for intersections of the rainbow community, to receive their first or second dose of the vaccine. There will also be a clinic running LGBTQIA+-friendly days at Drummond Street Carlton.
Your Community Health will have their own pop-up clinic at Preston Health Centre.
The Victorian Government recognises these organisations as COVID-19 ambassadors.
The #FabJab campaign acknowledges those unable to get vaccinated, and the real concern and hesitancy among those within the LGBTQIA+ community. The #FabJab online hub sees these key groups working together to provide resources and information about rainbow-friendly vaccination clinics, as well as information around vaccine interaction with Hormone Replacement Therapy medication and PreP.
“I’m incredibly proud of the way that our community and their organisations have stepped up for each other,” LGBTQIA+ Commissioner Todd Fernando says. “This signals a new way of partnerships between our communities and the Victorian Government are keen to continue to support these initiatives.”