Ricky Gervais Facing Backlash For Trans Jokes In New Netflix Special

Comedian Ricky Gervais is no stranger to controversy – he’s landed himself in hot water again, under fire for comments in his most recent Netflix special ‘SuperNature’.

Ricky Gervais - Image - YouTube

The comments which have sparked a row specifically concern the transgender community.

Ricky jokes about misgendering people amid a special mocking cancel culture and also joking about Hitler and AIDS.

“You can’t predict what will be offensive in the future,” Ricky says in the show. “You don’t know who the dominant mob will be. Like, the worst thing you can say today is ‘women don’t have penises’, right?”

There are also references to the transgender public toilet debate. Acting out a discussion, Ricky says “‘they are ladies, look at their pronouns. What about this person isn’t a lady?’ ‘Well, his penis.’ ‘Her penis, you f…ing bigot!’”

Ricky references ‘new women’ and jokingly refers to ‘women with wombs’ as “old-fashioned women” and “f…ing dinosaurs”.

Ricky adds later in the show that he’s in support of the community, but doesn’t miss the opportunity to include another dig.

“Full disclosure, in real life, of course I support trans rights,” the comedian says in the show. “I support all human rights and trans rights are human rights. Live your best life, use your preferred pronouns, be the gender that you feel that you are.

“But meet me halfway ladies, lose the c.ck, that’s all I’m saying.”

The jokes have, as usual, created a divide online. Some are praising Ricky for his boldness, while others aren’t so impressed with how he’s addressed the topics covered throughout the show.

“Every three to five years we have to be reminded that Ricky Gervais isn’t funny” one Twitter user says. “The average trans sh.tposter is funnier than Ricky Gervais” says another.

“Ricky Gervais takes the piss out of everyone,” another Twitter user says, defending the comedian. “They want equality here it is.”

The special comes not long after fellow comedian Dave Chappelle was also in the spotlight for making transphobic jokes in his show.